Every year when each of the dogs had a birthday I would always bake them cupcakes and put birthday hats on them – hehehe! I know, I like totally torture my poor little doggies. But I think by now they are used to me doing all this stuff to them. I am completely trigger happy when it comes to taking pictures of them and I have to admit I have probably thousands of pictures of my dogs. They usually give me the evil stink eye and I can hear it in their voice asking “are you done yet”? A few years back when the neighborhood kids were younger and it was one of the dogs birthday I would bake their cupcakes and invite the kids over for a furry birthday celebration – cupcakes and ice cream for everyone! The kids had a great time and loved going to a doggy birthday party. It was so much fun.
Today Allie turned 14. Can you believe how good she looks. My little Allie-Cat is blind and a diabetic. She is adjusting very well to her new disability and most days can get around without bumping into too many things- depending on how many toys Buggy has out. I tried to find a diabetic cake recipe to make for Allie but just couldn’t find one out there so instead I just made a regular cake and only gave her a few bites to enjoy. We are still working on getting her to the appropriate insulin level so I didn’t want to mess her up.

Today is also Pebbles’ birthday Pebbles would have turned 11. It was a difficult day having to only celebrate one birthday instead of two but I know that Pebbles is having a wonderful party with her brother and sister and her many new friends at Rainbow Bridge. Here is Pebbles last year on her birthday. Can ya tell she was enjoying her birthday hat-hehehe, again with the torture. This was the best picture I could take of her because she refused to look at me with her hat on. Maybe because it was a kai-lan birthday hat? haha – doubt it! She was quite the sensitive boxer. Pebbles passed two months ago and I’m missing her so much.
Here are some pictures I took of Allie enjoying her birthday cake. Do you do anything special on your fur baby's birthday
Take this hat off then I'll talk to you |
umm, is that cake I smell? |
mmmm cake num num num |
oh yea, that was some good cake mami |
Mami's girls |
Since Allie can't finish her cake...