I'm A Silly Mami: Buggy’s First Sleepover   

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Buggy’s First Sleepover

IMG_20120720_205701Last night Buggy had her first sleepover. It was with our neighbor from across the street Miss S. Buggy calls her Baby. It’s Baby Baby Baby. It really is adorable. I tell ya, those two have been inseparable all summer. The girls had so much fun. My bed was like their own personal bounce house, they played games and were just plain wild and crazy.

This morning after breakfast, the girls headed outside to the sand box. After building a few sand castle’s I hear Baby say “this was the best sleepover”. I thought that was so adorable.  Her mom came over around 11AM to pick her up and as usual Baby tries to hide so that she doesn’t have to go home. She has a few other tricks up her sleeve that she usually tries but they usually don’t work. It’s funny to watch. I’m sure I’ll be going through that in a few years with Buggy.

This morning while the girls were playing in Buggy’s room, Baby was going through her closet and through a bag of clothes that I was going to donate and she just kept pulling things out and saying “awe how cute, awe look how little, so cute”. It was too funny. She couldn’t believe how small Buggy’s clothes were and I reminded her that she too was that little ones. Of course to her that was like a million years ago!

Here are some pics from last night’s fun fest. The girls weren’t really sleeping in the crib. I think Baby wanted to feel like a baby again-lol!

IMG_20120721_104757  IMG_20120721_104850  IMG_8301

Buggy isn’t ready to go to a sleepover yet- well, daddy and I aren’t ready for her to go either. Has your little one been on a sleepover yet? What age do you think it’s ok for them to go on one? I think this has been a sensitive topic for many parent’s. With all the talk of children being molested at sleepover’s by their friends brother, uncle or other relatives, have you changed your thoughts on whether your child will attend sleepovers? This is a conversation that my husband and I had when I was pregnant. We agreed that there will be no sleepovers for our daughter. When she starts asking about it then we will revisit the conversation. We are not helicopter parents by any means but it’s about her safety after all, how well do you really know those other parents – their rules or lack of?

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.



  1. How cool!...seems like Buggy and Baby Baby Baby really enjoyed themselves....FUNNY!...my 4 year old had his sleepover at someone ELSE'S house this week too...Not soo good for us...AT ALL...ours was a travesty and a half...LOL!...Peep out the You Got Mail post...HIGH-larity!!

  2. My son is four and the only person we've let babysit him EVER is his 19-yr old brother. Crazy, right? It's scary to have your little one away from home. I'm not sure at what age we'll let him go to a sleepover, probably when it just 'feels' right. :) Glad the girls had fun. The pics were cute.

  3. Student Mom (Jenn)July 23, 2012 at 2:30 AM

    Nope! No sleep overs here, unless we're there with her, like when we slept at Granny Thoo's. Now she just wants to sleep at Granny Thoo's all the time. Too funny. I don't want to let her out my sight ever. She's just too nummy.


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