This place was so much fun. They had a petting zoo, a water park and a playground area and that was just on one side. The other side held a mega maze and more playgrounds but we didn’t have a chance to go there.
There was so much to do at the farmland with the kids. They loved feeding the animals and I think petting and holding the baby goats was super awesome for them. Assisted by one of the employees, the kids are able to milk a real goat and for those that were afraid, there was a fake cow that you could “milk”. Buggy preferred the cow.
After hanging out at the farmland for a few hours feeding the animals and going on a hay ride the kids wanted to go to the water park. This provided hours of entertainment for the kids. The park wasn’t very big but they had a pretty cool suds machine, a small water slide, lots of sprinklers and a few other things for the smaller kids. It took a while for Buggy to actually want to venture into the water area and once she did, she was all over the place.
And then from there we had a little time in the play area before we headed home.
We spent the whole day there. If you live in New England you should definitely try and visit – we had a fantastic day!